Call for Session

Call for Session Proposals
2019 Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region (CECAR 8) invites conveners to submit session proposals
for holding sessions at CECAR.

CECAR 8 Local Organizing Committee invites conveners/speakers to submit the proposals of innovative, timely, and dynamic themed sessions to be held at 8th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region (CECAR 8) in Tokyo, Japan, on April 16-18, 2019.


Session Proposal Guidelines

We invite session proposals which should meet following criteria:

  • Innovative, timely, and dynamic theme in the civil engineering field, which is to meet the objects of CECAR and worthwhile discussions at the conference.
  • Attractive sessions to wide-range of audience from various countries in both academic and non-academic.


Please plan your session considering the requirements below:

  • One session is  90-minite long. Session Conveners can freely plan session styles, e.g. paper presentation session, panel discussion, or combined session.
  • Each session has to have 5 and more speakers. Speakers from more than 3 countries are recommended.
  • Speakers can be nominated by the Session Conveners, or selected by the abstract review. The abstract submission is scheduled on the Web from August 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018.
  • All speakers must make a full registration and attend the CECAR 8.
  • Speakers should submit abstract(s) on the website. Acceptance of abstracts are notified by May 31, 2018. Then, speakers are requested to submit either Extended Abstract or Full Paper, which will be distributed as handouts to the participants.
  • At least one JSCE member should be included as a member of a Session Conveners team. He/she will become a member of CECAR 8 Academic Program Committee.


Submission of Session Proposals

Session proposals must be submitted via email from April 1 to June 30, 2017. The disposition of session proposals will be notified via email by late July.


Selection of  Session Proposals

Sessions are reviewed and selected by the Academic Program Committee. Some session proposals may be requested for providing further clarification. All the proposed sessions will receive the notification of the decision via email in late July 2017.



For questions regrading session proposals, please contact the CECAR8 Academic Program Committee (


linked to the template



Session_Proposal_Template(MS Word)

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